Watch our new Miraculous Ladybug cosplay video (above), and spend time online with the students of College Francoise.

We’ve been making Miraculous Ladybug cosplay videos for 5 years! It’s one of my FAVOURITE shows, and we have had an incredible time creating a whole variety of videos with these characters!
However, for obvious reasons, we weren’t able to leave our houses in 2020. Our Miraculous Reacts YouTube show had to find its new home on Zoom… and that got us thinking.
What if we made a video about the Miraculous characters in their Zoom class lectures?
Given that almost every school in 2020 resorted to having lessons on Zoom, we thought it would be fun to explore what Adrien and Marinette’s class would be like if they too had to learn online.
After watching wayyy too many Zoom Fails compilations, Beth (or RascalRabbit, as you might know her) wrote an amazing script for the video.

From zoom pranks, to chaotic Among Us gameplay, to quiz nights – the entire Zoom experience was there… All told through the eyes of the Miraculous Ladybug characters!
Making the Miraculous Ladybug Cosplay Video
The filming of the video was completely different to anything I’ve ever directed before!
Because of lockdown restrictions, all of the clips had to be shot remotely via Zoom. Each character’s scenes were filmed individually, with me reading in for literally everyone else.
(When I tell you I know this script off by heart, I am not joking.)
It was also different because this video has dialogue – a first for our Miraculous Cosplay Videos!
We had a lot of fun putting our own spin on the beloved characters, though definitely felt that Artist.Sharki (Alya) put us all to shame with her own authentic American accent.

We are absolutely thrilled with how this video has come together, and despite the cast and crew never being in the same room, it has felt like a true team effort.
The release of this Zoom themed video marks a whole year of our lives being turned upside-down, which feels somewhat fitting. Even though the past year has been extremely tough, I’m glad that we’ve been able to find the joy.
I hope you enjoy the video, we’re really proud of it. If you enjoyed the video please check out our other Ladybug videos here and here! To see more incredible cosplay look here!
2022 Update – Watch our brand new Miraculous Ladybug video – The YouTube challenge here!
The 86th Floor Cosplay and Cons is dedicated to making the best possible cosplay videos we can. Filming cosplay in unique locations, settings and environments we work to create exciting new videos. If you would like to be part of our videos or be the first to see them please consider supporting us on Patreon.